Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2

Another busy day… and now we actually started on the MDG’s.

GGC already has projects in place to develop the MDG’s in our organization, which is great and not-so-much. Great because we already have the plans in place, and girls across the country know what we’re about, and what WAGGGS is doing.

The not-so-much… we are supposed to come up with projects that reflect the MDGs to use. It’s hard to compete with such complete program work. We (some of the delegates from like organizations) figure we’ll create smaller projects to work on with our communities/regions/etc.

It’s been interesting to hear the different ideas about projects from around the world. Everything from getting drinking water in a community to getting positive service exposure have all been discussed, all very strong, and without judgement. We are all here to make a difference in our MO, no matter what. I love this part of Girl Guides!

We just finished up International Night. The Canadians had a costume :D Seriously. We both had Olympic gear on (me from 2004, Mandy from recently, and both of us had Olympic Mittens). It was a hit, considering some didn’t do anything. And the maple fudge and saskatoon berries were a hit as well… which means Dad doesn’t get any when I get back. Oops.

I wish I could post photos, but the internet here is not condusive to more than 10 minutes at a time. I guess if you want to see photos, you’ll have to see me!


1 comment:

  1. Ali!
    Man here I am sitting at home writing papers and reading about your adventures in India! I'm so jealous! I'm sure you are having a blast meeting some amazing guiding women from around the world! Keep the updates are giving me something to work towards once i'm done university! Big hugs! Enjoy!

    Amber :)
