So... I have a crapload of things running randomly through my head today. It's probably teacher-brain-meltdown, when your brain can't handle the late assignments, lame excuses and poor effort any longer. Maybe by writing them down, I'll be a better teacher tomorrow (that, or one of you will have me committed).
1. If I hear one more time some lame excuse about not handing in stuff, I will scream. I don't care if your dog had a haircut five months ago; it has nothing to do with your ability to have printing in your account.
2. I need to learn to play pingpong.
3. Why was I dumb enough to have all my students work with sharp utensils these last two weeks?
4. Related to 3: I need to get my first aid up-to-date.
5. I think it's funny that someone thought I was a popular girl in high school...
6. What would you dooo for a Klondike Bar? (I told you this was random).
7. I read my work ed. student's job reflection today. I loved it! Keeping a copy for when I need a teaching confidence boost.
8. I had a woman I have never met tell me I look like my father. Excellent... yay Mennonite genes.
9. How hard would it be to start working on my masters? I found a college online I like...
10. I hit another weightloss milestone, tied to numbers. I haven't been this weight since grade 11.
11. I really want to travel this summer, but don't have the money.
12. Related to 11: I need a rich guy.
13. I love living by myself. I don't know if I could live with a roommate (unless, of course, #12 comes true).
14. A grade 12 kid proved today that too many people believe FB is truth.
15. I'm freaking out about training advisor. HELP!
16. Marty Robbins: "A White, Sport Coat, and a... Pink Carnation.... (do-do-do)"
17. Blond or strawberry this summer?
18. I wish my iPod would work. The screen's been wonky.
19. My list of possible tattoos are way too long... so are my piercings.
20. All in one night, my sister was in the hospital for a test, I was at a mediclinic, and my cousin broke his ankle. Hmmmm, gotta love healthcare.
21. Mosquitos v. ticks.... who would win?
22. How many people still call their high school teachers by Ms/Mrs/Mr?? I still do... even though I have gotten 'yelled' at.
23. Staffroom quote: "Can we all go to 'Bad Teacher' and call it PD?"
24. My dad is Oscar: Oscar the grouch, and Oscar from Corner Gas (24.5: Meg is Hank).
25. "Unravelling the mystery... it all started with a Big Bang!! (*BANG)"
Maybe I should go find the padded room now :)
1. If I hear one more time some lame excuse about not handing in stuff, I will scream. I don't care if your dog had a haircut five months ago; it has nothing to do with your ability to have printing in your account.
2. I need to learn to play pingpong.
3. Why was I dumb enough to have all my students work with sharp utensils these last two weeks?
4. Related to 3: I need to get my first aid up-to-date.
5. I think it's funny that someone thought I was a popular girl in high school...
6. What would you dooo for a Klondike Bar? (I told you this was random).
7. I read my work ed. student's job reflection today. I loved it! Keeping a copy for when I need a teaching confidence boost.
8. I had a woman I have never met tell me I look like my father. Excellent... yay Mennonite genes.
9. How hard would it be to start working on my masters? I found a college online I like...
10. I hit another weightloss milestone, tied to numbers. I haven't been this weight since grade 11.
11. I really want to travel this summer, but don't have the money.
12. Related to 11: I need a rich guy.
13. I love living by myself. I don't know if I could live with a roommate (unless, of course, #12 comes true).
14. A grade 12 kid proved today that too many people believe FB is truth.
15. I'm freaking out about training advisor. HELP!
16. Marty Robbins: "A White, Sport Coat, and a... Pink Carnation.... (do-do-do)"
17. Blond or strawberry this summer?
18. I wish my iPod would work. The screen's been wonky.
19. My list of possible tattoos are way too long... so are my piercings.
20. All in one night, my sister was in the hospital for a test, I was at a mediclinic, and my cousin broke his ankle. Hmmmm, gotta love healthcare.
21. Mosquitos v. ticks.... who would win?
22. How many people still call their high school teachers by Ms/Mrs/Mr?? I still do... even though I have gotten 'yelled' at.
23. Staffroom quote: "Can we all go to 'Bad Teacher' and call it PD?"
24. My dad is Oscar: Oscar the grouch, and Oscar from Corner Gas (24.5: Meg is Hank).
25. "Unravelling the mystery... it all started with a Big Bang!! (*BANG)"
Maybe I should go find the padded room now :)
Love it Ali! You are a great teacher and I think this proves it. As for #3 (and 4)you know from my personal experience I believe up to date first aid training and a well stocked first aid kit in lab are essential! You can tell your students my story of the results from those who turn knobs on sharp lab equipment. Mat cutters are just fancy exacto blades and cut right to the bone. -Heather L
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Heather... I totally told them :) Only one infected cut and one that should've had stitches and a pack of bandaids for 4 classes :D