Saturday, December 31, 2011


Well, I'm sure I'll be sleeping in a few minutes (not a great feeling day), but I feel like I should commemorate the end of year. Why? I don't know. I've never been a huge fan of NYE (probably because my parents aren't)... sometimes I'll go to friends' houses, but never anything big. Tonight, in pj's, ready to crash.
I started this blog in 2011 - as a photo challenge, but it has evolved. I don't mind that at all - we all evolve as people, so why not what I use to 'vent?' And really, blogs don't need to have rules :)
Here's what I remember from 2011 (my warped view, of course - the only one that counts here lol)

* Finished the contract from h*ll. I don't mean I hated the school - uh, hello, LOVE that place! - but the kids and I were put in a horrible situation and eventually we made the best of it.
* I also started Photo contract - and can honestly say I LOVED it. Didn't realize how much I would enjoy Photo. Not that I wouldn't have, but really loved it. Kids were great, admin support awesome... I would teach this again in a minute. Do I love it as much as band? I don't think so... but it's definitely a more than adequate compromise :)

* One word: INDIA!!!!!!!! It was by far one of the most amazing, life-altering, fulfilling, amazing, beautiful, gratifying, amazing (have I said that yet) experiences ever. I reaffirmed my belief in Girl Guides and the world association, my love of travelling and ignited my passion for advocacy. My Girl Guide experience had diminished for me (as I'm sure it will do every 20 years), and it definitely renewed my reasoning in belonging to such an organization.
    My school also showed its support for staff: my principal secured a leave for me in which I was paid for my trip (not full salary, a once-in-a-lifetime thing) because he even believed in the conference's agenda.

* Finished my university class - another music elective :) Actually, it was history from 1900-present... so it was awesome (and I've used it in Guitar already).
* Easter meant another trip to Airdrie

* Got an extension on my contract - full time till January 2012. More photo!

* Lots of great times with friends and family!
* Got to see two cousins (younger, oops!) get married.
* Got to be the photographer for a wedding

* Back to school - and loved it
* My health issues started - complete exhaustion. Throw sleeping 10-12 hours a night with working 10-12 hours a day. Hint: IT DOESN'T WORK WELL!

* SMC! Love getting together with friends from music and learning so much. I seriously think one of the reasons we all love music is the camaraderie between most of us. Looking at other subject areas, that just doesn't happen.
* Started coaching basketball with my sister. It's working well - despite our low scores :) No siblings have been killed, so that's good!
* Still feeling horrible

* Got told that I will be teaching 75% at the end of January - up from the 50% I was originally told (even scheduled so I couldn't sub) Woohoo!
* Christmas goodness with friends and family
* The brain fog, exhaustion is even worse. I don't function well without 10 hours of sleep. I have a list of symptoms for the doctor that's 3 pages long... don't know how much more crap I can take! I know this isn't a life or death situation (already been tested for some of those), but it has been life-altering. All I do is work and sleep. I have resigned a few of my positions in Guiding because I can't complete their objectives.

Definitely, 2011 had its ups and downs... here's hoping 2012 has more ups!!!

Be safe out there.



  1. A, could it be Fibromyalgia? Your mom has it, right? I so hope that's not the case! I hope you find answers very, very soon. *hugs*

  2. I had a feeling you'd understand :)... Mom has polymyalgia (almost the same thing). I actually show a ton of signs about thyroid stuff, but my blood work was still "normal" though a lot of what I've been reading says that the blood work doesn't do a heckuva lot.
