Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Music and me

   I heard a song on the radio today that made me think of this, and considering I have a pile of marking to do, I figured I'd blog instead :)
   Ever make a "soundtrack" for your life? Maybe it's the music geek in me :) but I often think of it. If I ever teach a music class again, it's something I would love to do with students to get them really starting to listen to music and reflecting.
   As long as I can remember - even before I started playing music - there have been songs that stuck with me, or remind of someone/something/sometime. As I got older, I was one of those weird ones that listened to the music in the movies and related it back to the plot or character. 
   Most of the major events in my life have a song that's meaningful to me. There are even songs that remind me of people in my life, lasting or fleeting.
  For example: the song I heard today was "Breathe" by Faith Hill. My cousin passed away ten years ago (in my last post), and I get choked up every time I hear the song - it reminds me of her. Why, I'm not entirely sure: she liked Faith Hill, and I vaguely remember hearing that song on the way to her funeral. 
   My dad's "music" doesn't have a song, but artists: Elvis and Roy Orbison, maybe Hank Williams. Elvis and Dad share a birthday - I've known that as long I remembered birthdays. Hank Williams is one of his favourite artists (I hope I didn't follow in Dad's taste of music in my class!!!), and his voice when he sings reminds me of Roy Orbison, which is a good thing. Most people think of my dad only as a basketball coach and athlete, but out of my parents, he actually took piano lessons for 5 years. When I'm at home, there is always music playing when he can hear it - satellite TV music during supper, and on when he's on the computer.  
  Right now, my mom's song is "Daydream Believer" by either the Monkeys or Anne Murray. Whenever it's on, she sings, and apparently Monkeys were her favourite band as a teen, and she loves Anne Murray now. Meg's is "Hoop There It Is:" a basketball song, because well... that's her passion. It's from the movie Space Jam, which I'm sure she watched a lot of when it came out.
   A guy from high school is "Pretty Fly for a White Guy." Seriously, I see his face every time I hear it (thankfully not too often!). Most of my friends have some sort of music associated with them - sometimes exact songs, sometimes genres or artists. Some of my mus.ed friends have band pieces (sorry! just how I relate). Except my own band teacher: his is "Fishin in the Dark" by Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. I graduated just as Guitar was starting to taught, and I came in for help while that was playing. Over and over. My theory prof did a lecture of the "Hanging Tree" by Marty Robbins, going over the theory and linking it with lyrics. 
   My university career is summed up with a classical song (of course): Scriabin's "Nocturne in Db" that I recorded. The recording is from my final year concert, and it was the best I have ever played it. When it randomly plays on my iPod, I still get the same feeling when it starts playing. It was my major accomplishment, and sounds more than just one hand (long story - I played my last two recitals lefthanded only due to my wrist). 
   My teaching career is "Defying Gravity" in the Wicked musical (yay Glee for making it famous!!). It takes a leap of faith to sub, hoping to make it work... Bob took a leap of faith calling me last August, and I took a leap of faith with the students trying to learn/teach guitar, then Social 9, now photo. Also hoping (having faith) that this extends to next year somehow.
   Maybe finding connections help me experiment and listen to different music constantly. 

   Or, it's my excuse for having almost 2300 songs on my iPod :)

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