Monday, May 16, 2011

One of my many journeys...

   I honestly believe life is a series of journeys, with the process just as important (if not more) than the destination. The journey of school, uni, work (retail), relationships, and the journey of self. I have always had a weight problem.

   I am an emotional eater. In high school, dealing with the 'normal' teenage drama, a few deaths, accidents and emergencies plus low self image (add a few bad experiences in phys.ed. with one teacher put me off  physical activity for nearly a decade) didn't help. Add the "healthy" food of the buffeteria in Ed, and my experience leaving Ktown, it's a crappy equation. And, if you've met most of my family you'll know that weight is an issue for most of us. Even my athletic father had issues. I'm not blaming genetics, but I believe it's part of the reason. I've tried damn hard to never let my size stop me from doing what I want to do, and honestly can't think of anytime when it really did.

   In any case, I really didn't do much until I started wanting to travel. When I was in a position financially to start travelling, I tried Weight Watchers online. I learned quickly I need accountability, and the online didn't work well. Backpacked the UK, and had an amazing time, with no limitations. Last year I was supposed to go to Switzerland for a Girl Guide conference, with the 'hostel' a 45 minute walk from the bus stop, incline all the way. I started walking again, and even when the conference was kiboshed (stupid Icelandic volcano), I completed the Bridge City Boogie 10k walk.

   Fast forward to this school year, where I walked into an amazing set of circumstances that left me with 3 contracts at the same school. The experiences have given me the confidence to do something (again). My uncle and aunt had success with a weight loss program in the city, loosing about the amount I need to lose to be at a 'healthy' weight. The program has coaching built in, so I have people checking in on me (and not in a condescending way). I've been on the program since my first contract ended in November.

   I'm not saying it's been a breeze - ha! I know this is a long process... I'm looking at meeting my goal in 2012. Which, hopefully, I'm fine with. I'm trying new things - I am taking up running, which may not work out, but at least I tried. I was able to climb a 2.5 storey building in India in March! I'm going to do the Boogie again, and attempt to run some of the 5k. I'm also celebrating small victories: each time I hit a reasonable percentage, I'm doing something for me. Hitting (and passing) the 1/3 mark required a nose piercing :) I have plans for 1/2, 2/3 and the end... which people will figure out once I hit it :)

   Thankfully, I'm seeing changes, even if those around me don't... which is not a dig for compliments - the changes have been so slow that only people who see me occasionally notice. I am wearing clothes that are smaller than when I was in high school (my grad dress it too big!!), and I am at a weight I don't remember being. Very rarely will I mention actual numbers: that is still one area I'm embarassed about. Maybe when I hit a certain point, but for now I tend to give percentages or fractions.

   Looking forward to more of this journey, and excited about the destination :)


  1. All I can say is...good for you! Beauty is about feeling good about oneself, not about a number. Maybe we can help motivate each other? I also need to start feeling better about myself, and to take control of my own food-related issues.

    In a more stereotypical manner, what I'm trying to say is, "You go, girl!!!"

  2. Thanks D-bar! And of course we should start motivating each other... it always helps :)
