Sunday, August 12, 2012

Health update

I really was going to keep up this more regularly, especially being summer holidays. Oh well, the best intentions...

I was seriously hoping that my health would've improved this summer. Nothing would make me happier than to have said that my exhaustion was just stress, and I felt fabulous all summer. I haven't had a stressful summer - camp was way more fun than stressful, and really, Calgary wasn't stressful. I don't have a lot of crazy stuff happening before school starts, so technically I don't have to be stressed yet. (Although, with my procrastination tendencies, I'll be freaking out the day before students arrive instead).

Yet, the symptoms have remained. The exhaustion I've started to just deal with. I didn't sleep 10-12 hours a night all of July (I couldn't at camp, didn't want to touring, and couldn't with a dog/cat as alarm bells like clockwork in Calgary). I'm back to 10-12 hours since I've been home, which has really only been the weekend, but still. The brain fog is constant - I really hate having to double-check stuff instead of remembering properly (or not being able to rely on my memory for certain). The random insomnia happened a few times this summer, as did the heart palpitations - not fun when you're in a tent. BUT, nothing has really got a lot worse... just continue. I guess I should count that as a good thing.

Right before school ended, I had a sleep study. I had a machine taped to my abdomen, wires on my neck, chest, fingers and nose, and had to "sleep" for a night. Ya, apparently I don't do that well - I woke up with the prongs for my nose ripped off my face ;) BUT, I don't have a sleep disorder that would explain the exhaustion.

I was about to call the specialist's office right when I got back, to find out the next step. He beat me to it! The receptionist called on the drive back from Calgary. So this is the second time he has impressed me since I first saw him in May. I miss the first Monday of school for the appointment. I doubt I'll get any answers, but more of a discussion of the next step. Which, I would assume, means more tests. Yay - I mean, I'm glad for Tommy Douglas creating medicare, but I'm not thrilled with the insane wait times... yes, #firstworldproblems at its finest.

Oh well, until things work out, I'll have to do things on my own terms. I'm glad I have (at this moment - could change) three mornings off a week, so waking up early won't always be an issue. I have one school knowing I feel like crap and understanding (at least the VP does), and I'm sure I'll let the other school know shortly too. I don't want to hide it, but don't want it to be my identifying factor.  I've reduced my extra-curricular stuff dramatically (I may not even coach this year - depends), and I have the most amazing support in the world.

But, I really should start writing out course outlines and unit plans (and relearn some instruments!!)... I mean, I don't want to stress myself out or anything :)

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