I've been thinking about this a lot for a while, and I figure by writing it, I'll work through and see if my reality in my head actually makes sense. And I blame it on an assignment I GAVE to my Life Transitions class. Actually, not all, but a bit... really just wanted to blame students for something :)
The Life Trans class did a goals unit and a life planning unit last year. One of the most successful assignments was the "bucket list" assignment. While I was getting ready this, I remembered doing the same exercise in a "teaching creative writing" class in university. Because I keep everything in classes I find relevant (as an English teacher), I found my original assignment. I was 21. Here's what I had (my smart-ass comments and follow-up in italics):
The Life Trans class did a goals unit and a life planning unit last year. One of the most successful assignments was the "bucket list" assignment. While I was getting ready this, I remembered doing the same exercise in a "teaching creative writing" class in university. Because I keep everything in classes I find relevant (as an English teacher), I found my original assignment. I was 21. Here's what I had (my smart-ass comments and follow-up in italics):
- Travel to Scotland, go to Blantyre (Glasgow) to learn about my grandmother's life pre-WWII/grandpa. Done - went to the church they were married in, met my Scottish family. Plus Inverness, Edinburgh, Wales and England...
- Go to all the 4 world centres to experience Guiding internationally. Volunteer at (at least) 1. I have been to 2, and will go to the other 2... Could've been to 3 - stupid Icelandic volcano.
- Intern internationally. ... communication problems and unrealistic expectations (the school in France wanted me to teach 100 private lessons/ week, not band... the UofS didn't like that.)
- Use my teaching degree to teach. I'd say that was successful. Dumbly didn't put down permanent contract - that MUST be the reason it took so long lol.
- Earn my 50 year membership pin in Guides. Have 27 years left on that one... on year 23...
- Travel to all the continents. Asia, done. North America, done. Europe, done. Africa: most definitely, hopefully soon! Australia, South America, on the list. Antarctica, we'll see.
- Earn my music and education degrees. Looking at this now, wouldn't this make sense to have put this BEFORE the teaching? Still done.
- Get a tattoo. Figured out what I want. Now just have to justify paying for one.
- Teach in another country.
- Enrol in Girl Guides somewhere else.
Notice what isn't there: live in Saskatoon, buy a house, etc. Not that I don't think these are important, but that's what I've focussed on for a while. So I've been thinking about this stuff all summer.
I LOVED Ireland... the people, the places, the not-severe weather. Things like that have always made me want to work in a country I loved travelling to (I applied to several Scottish jobs... but the "I'm an inexperienced substitute teacher, please hire me over experienced locals" thing didn't quite work.).
But, I didn't think a lot of it until having several conversations this summer with people who know me well/too long. Several times I heard something along the lines that many people had thought I would live in another country for a while... and, really, so did I. I applied to work at Pax right out of high school (London), but for due to managers switching, my application for lost for 18 months... and I wasn't at a point in my studies to leave and volunteer (and want to come back!) Then throw in the internship debacle. I sort of assumed that travelling would suppress the urge, but it does the opposite.
My division has a deferred salary leave: for 3-7 years, they save a portion of your paycheck, then you take a year leave and they used the savings to "pay" you. Only problem? I don't have a permanent contract in a percentage that would warrant me applying... and 7 years is a long way to wait.
So, I'm working on a plan. I really want to volunteer in India... so I WILL. September 2014, I'm hoping to take an unpaid leave. (I could do that for a year, maybe two).
I'll volunteer at Sangam, then find a country and sub or teach in. Maybe back to Scotland, Ireland... maybe somewhere new (Australia? just need a Girl Guide connection). I just want to try... and with a leave of sorts, I can come home if things go wrong and teach again.
I need to do this... I've followed the "traditional" path for a long time, and while I'm not unhappy, I want to try something new. I'm proud to be Canadian/Saskatonian/Saskatchewanian, but I want to experience other places - and not just what the tourists see. I'm not married (or anywhere close to it), no kids, no mortgage, no real connections tying me to a place. I have facebook, twitter, skype, texting... and airplanes to keep me connected to the people I care about. Not to mention the amazing support and encouragement from everyone I've mentioned this idea to! Either they think I CAN do this, or wanting me to go far, far away lol...
Now it's in writing! I'm hoping that I can make this work. But also realizing I have it pretty awesome if I don't - and I can say I tried.
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