Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An exercise for me... join if you wish

I am having a rough patch right now. My health stinks (not going into that right now), my school stuff is busy (yay musical), I don't know what's happening next year (teaching? Uni?), politics and people at school (yay being in the middle)... I don't know what ends up. And living alone means no one is here to make me laugh myself silly.

So I'm going to make a list of the things I'm thankful for. It's something I've done before to help me through, and I really need it again.

1. Girl Guides... they've probably done the most to shape my life, and made me confident (I have a post saved on them, but just haven't edited yet).

2. Family... as much as they can be a pain in the ass, they're always there. My sister reminded me of that today when she came in to talk about her past relationship with my kids.

3. Friends... I have a few close friends that will love me no matter what. I have school friends that I think do the same thing, and hope it continues if I'm not there next year.

4. The cabin... I live in a serene area where the only noise I ever hear is the rain or the wind. I have deer in the backyard regularly. And I live 15 minutes away from work. I'm blessed that my parents renovated this and are patiently waiting for me to afford to buy it from them.

5. Music... whether it's playing, or listening to MY awesome playlist, music is always there for me. And I've learned to stop trying to justify my music preferences. Just deal with it :)

6. Photos... I have been finding myself much more relaxed after a day of shooting, or an evening of editing.

7. Travelling... enough said.

I am trying not to be a whiner, and I know if this were a tweet, it would fall under #FirstWorldProblems . Sigh.

Thanks for listening! (Is listening the right verb? Reading? Seeing? Ignoring? hmmm)....


  1. I say that's an excellent list. :)

    I completely understand your comment about trying to justify your taste in music. Once we separated & divorced, I decided watching what TV shows I wanted, listening to music I liked, reading what I wanted, etc. And everyone can take me or leave me, but I know what I like & I won't apologize for it. :D

  2. I think that you should also be thankful that you are a beautiful woman, inside and out.
