Saturday, February 15, 2014

Update from the surgery...

So, I guess I've lived on Facebook too long lately. There's been a bunch of stuff going on, but I thought I had at least updated after the surgery!

The surgery itself went great! LIMARP was amazing, and my mom (the overprotective nurse haha) was more than impressed. The hospital was clean and immaculate. And I was talking with nurses and doctors constantly - the ratio of professionals to patients was phenomenal!

The initial recovery went well too... I went back to school no problem... until I actually went to school.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So, major life change...

... at the time you're reading this, I'll be prepping for weight loss surgery. In Tijuana. As of this evening, I will have had 80-85% of my stomach removed in a VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy)

I know there's going to be a ton of questions, and instead of saying the same thing a billion times, I'm writing it here. And, I'll be honest, I'm not too sure how people will react to this - so far, everyone has been supportive, but I KNOW I have people in my life who won't understand.

  Please read this... I'm listing every possible question and my answer. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

CPAP machines... the real monster by the bed!

Remember when our parents used to tell us there are no monsters in your room and just go to sleep? Well, at almost 30, I'd disagree... those of you who talk to me regularly know this particular week has been awful health-wise. And the way I'm trying to help myself almost feels like it will do me in.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Photo Challenge

Happy New Year!

Holy crap, I know - going from posting every 2 months to 2 in 2 days? Craziness, I know. But I've decided for a resolution of sorts: a photo of the day challenge. I know that there are a lot of them out there, but I want to create my own. Why make things easy? :) 

I want to take more photos: I keep not finding time to take full shoots and edit. Maybe now that I don't mind my phone camera, I'll take some more routinely... which may/may not lead to more actual photos. This is why this blog was created in the first place 2 years ago!

I won't post the photos on here, I don't think (I tried that before, but that failed. Horribly.) So, I'll be posting on instagram - username ali254 if anyone wishes to view. I don't think I'll post on Facebook all the time, but probably on twitter (username alimusicgeek).

Here goes nothing!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh, crap... well, 1 more for 2012!

Well, it's been a crazy year this year! Lots of ups and downs, not at all what I was expecting. Not that different expectations are a bad thing... here's my life in review :) 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Teacher is NOT just a teacher...

I always have every intention of blogging regularly... and it's been a month. Yikes. I mean, I have a lot of drafts saved, but I don't always finish them, or change my mind about posting. But this is more of a realization/confirmation for me. Teachers are NOT just teachers - different levels and areas do mean a different type of teaching!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Man, where did September go?

I don't know, but it seems like an eternity since the summer. Crazy how things go back into a routine so quickly!
School has been a whirlwind right now, and doesn't look like slowing down anytime soon.