Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh, crap... well, 1 more for 2012!

Well, it's been a crazy year this year! Lots of ups and downs, not at all what I was expecting. Not that different expectations are a bad thing... here's my life in review :) 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Teacher is NOT just a teacher...

I always have every intention of blogging regularly... and it's been a month. Yikes. I mean, I have a lot of drafts saved, but I don't always finish them, or change my mind about posting. But this is more of a realization/confirmation for me. Teachers are NOT just teachers - different levels and areas do mean a different type of teaching!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Man, where did September go?

I don't know, but it seems like an eternity since the summer. Crazy how things go back into a routine so quickly!
School has been a whirlwind right now, and doesn't look like slowing down anytime soon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life changes...

I've been thinking about this a lot for a while, and I figure by writing it, I'll work through and see if my reality in my head actually makes sense. And I blame it on an assignment I GAVE to my Life Transitions class. Actually, not all, but a bit... really just wanted to blame students for something :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Health update

I really was going to keep up this more regularly, especially being summer holidays. Oh well, the best intentions...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

More than me... I am one in 10 million!

This has been in my drafts folder for a while, but the release of a video from WAGGGS, as well as conversations with friends, I just feel the need to post what Girl Guides has done for me (no, this isn't a "recruiting" post. Besides, if you know me at all, you know Girl Guides is part of my life.)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dublin, (Belfast), and it's over...

Wow, the trip is over. I have loved every minute of it.

Arrived in Dublin on Sunday, and easily found my hostel. It is right on the river, and used to be a recording studio for people like Sinead OConnor and others. It was a small hostel but had an amazing atmosphere. It's decorated with musician stuff and live bands perform regularly. That night, a band from Denmark performed. Very cool sounding harmonies in a folk band. Check out Songs for Iris on YouTube!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bored on the train...

Okay, not bored. The scenery from Galway to Dublin is gorgeous... I'm just tired and trying to avoid eye contact with the couple making out across from me (gag).

Friday, July 13, 2012

Trip Part 2: Galway

So, even though I'm technically here for another two days, I really am done most of what I can in Galway. Tomorrow I'm going on a tour to the cliffs of moher (aka the cliffs of insanity!!) and then I leave on the train to Dublin in the early afternoon on Sunday.

It's not that I haven't seen anything though... and I'm sorry, but not many pics on the iPhone - you'll have to wait until I'm in Airdrie house sitting! I'm kinda doing this more to have a way of sorting the photos :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Camp 101 finished!

So, I didn't have Internet access readily through the camp but I journaled a bit. This is a combination of all of those. Sorry of there is repetition :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today was insanity... emotionally

It’s been a crazy day. In the span of two hours, I went from despair and emotional to relieved. I love my job, but hate the way I love it today.

All the teaching folk out there know that it’s transferring/finding out where the hell you’re going time right now. And, of course, temporary contracts are dealt with last. My principal called me out this morning before I started teaching. I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty nasty when the vp also walked in. Love  administrators, but you never really want to talk to both of them at once – it usually isn’t good.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An exercise for me... join if you wish

I am having a rough patch right now. My health stinks (not going into that right now), my school stuff is busy (yay musical), I don't know what's happening next year (teaching? Uni?), politics and people at school (yay being in the middle)... I don't know what ends up. And living alone means no one is here to make me laugh myself silly.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Again, I HATE this...

Why do I have to realize what I take for granted until something for someone else happens? My parents' neighbours lost their house this morning. The one silver lining is my parents were pretty instrumental in making sure everyone was alive.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Life has been crazy busy, and swirling around like a hurricane (insert cheesy 80's music reference)... not that I have downtime right now, BUT I'm making time to blog right now.

Monday, February 6, 2012

I've made a decision...

I've made my decision. I am going to stay a kid forever. Just call me Peter Pan living in Neverland.
I remember wanting nothing more than to grow up and do whatever I wanted. Guess what, it sucks!!
Seriously, if I could be between 5-7, life would be awesome. I loved kindergarten through grade 1. My best friends from then are still friends today... can't always say that about friends from other times. You said how you felt, and it was okay to cry if you were frustrated (because most of the others would cry by the end of the week).
Everyone had a fair shot at playing something. I don't remembered being bullied until later in elementary, so this was an experimenting time. Imagination wasn't something to hide - it was needed! How else would you play at recess?
Am I glamorizing this? Absolutely. Just like a kid does about growing up. I don't like budgeting and money... let me live off an allowance and not worry about bills, loans, savings and the like.
People would be proud of anything you try, not snicker at what looks like a feeble attempt (like me running!)
On the other hand, I love my job - most of the time, my friends, my adventures... just still wish for the simpler times.
With that, good night!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another randomness post

So many things, so much brain fog... maybe saying (blogging?) the ridiculous ones out of my head will help. At least it will be good for a laugh :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Change of philosophy

Growing up, there was an understanding at home that you didn't complain. Not just the whining, but if you were feeling horrible, you worked through it. My parents (especially Dad) believed that if you made a commitment, only death could be an excuse. More often than not, people would be depending on you, and really, excuses mean very little.